Tuesday, February 16, 2010

what did you do?

Well this post is a little late. but I'm curious as to how you all spent your Valentines day! i didn't do anything special , or romantic. but still I'm sure someone out there is dying to tell us what they did and I'm hear to listen here is a short article on the the topic. to keep us busy while we awaiting some responses.

Valentine’s Day is here! What are you guys doing on this special day? You know valentine is not only about couples, it is also about friends and family and all the people you love. Even if you are single you can still spend Valentine’s Day with your girlfriends, it’s all about the love, all kinds of love.

To some people Valentine’s Day is about exchanging gifts with the person they are in love with but remember it’s the thought that counts and not the material, sometimes sweet and thoughtful words are more than enough. People sometimes get married on Valentine’s Day, which I find so romantic and clever.

To me Valentine’s Day is special because it also happens to be my mother’s Birthday! My mom is my valentine and it suits her that her b-day is on this special day because valentine is all about love and my mom has lots of love to give. I want to wish my mother a happy birthday and everybody else a happy Valentine’s Day.

What are you guys doing on Valentine’s Day and how special is this day for you?

original article.
category:Dolce & Gabbana Women
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