Monday, March 29, 2010

10 Stinky Celebrity Frangrance Names

Kinda interesting article about the names of celeb perfumes... enjoy :]

If we were ever to create our own fragrance (which, incidentally, stay tuned for a BIG announcement) we would call it Number One, Top of the List or Top 10 Scent or something. Luckily, we know better than to try to venture into the murky and musky perfume industry, not like the hapless folks on Woman’s Day’s listicle of 10 Stinky Celebrity Fragrance Names, two of which, incidentally, come courtesy of P. Diddy. We’re surprised they didn’t include 50 Cent’s Power, which, not surprisingly, is much, much too strong.

original article.
category: Fragrance
Featured Product on Bayho:MITSOUKO by Guerlain

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