Monday, March 8, 2010

Yet another Celeb to have their own fragrance line. but yeah i like Jen aniston so we"ll see still haven't gone to see how the Kim kardashian perfume smells but I'll get around to it.. short and sweet. just how i like it.

Jennifer Aniston is the latest celebrity to want to market perfume under her name. It is doubtful she will be the last. It is reported that Jennifer Aniston has been working on this project for two years and is deciding on a name for the project. The idea to call the product Aniston did not get the approval of advertising executives. When the name is finally decided upon, Jennifer Aniston wants to release some commercials on television. Rihanna is in the midst of involving her fans in the decision of what to name her fragrance. A sort of contest giving her fans input.

The name of Echo has surfaced as a possible substitution for Aniston. Jennifer Aniston has fierce competition in the fragrance field with such celebrities as Reese Witherspoon, Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian, Sarah Jessica Parker, Jennifer Lopez and others marketing their own brands of fragrances.

Much study goes into the names to use in marketing fragrances, sometimes successful, sometimes not too successful. It is surprising how many people are swayed by having the name of a celebrity on a bottle of perfume or other items. This is why it requires a lengthy study before deciding under what name to market celebrity products.

original article.
category: Fragrances for Men
Featured Product on Bayho: Boss In Motion by Hugo Boss

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