Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Marc Jacobs' Daisy

Hmm I love this one, I waiting till I could actually get it. I don't want to get it if I already have so much other perfumes on my dresser -_- I have enough. But Marc Jacobs perfume is.. well... MARC JACOBS! haha Do I need to say more? Marc Jacobs name is obviously classy and fashionable. I wish I was rich enough to actually afford his other stuff. haha Marc Jacobs's new Daisy fragrance is meant to be “happy and youthful”, and “more accessible than the signature range” and “sophisticated but not too serious”. In other words, it's meant to bring younger consumers into the Marc Jacobs fold. I'm way past the target age range (said to be 18-24), but I was taken by that bottle right off the bat. It is way cute. I was worried that it would be way less cute when I saw the plastic daisies in person, but nope, it is maybe even more way cute in real life.

Original Article

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